Saturday, September 13, 2008

More updates

Interior damage to my kitchen

Okay, so it seems that sewer has been shut off. If you're thinking of coming back, don't. If you're already here and know of anything open, please let me know. I did hear that Lucky Liquor on College claimed they would open today power or not. Don't know if that helps. lol

We thank you so much for keeping us in your hearts and prayers. Your comments encourage us and let us know we are doing something people are interested in. We will be updating until its over and a semblance of normalcy has returned. Either that or people stop coming here. We're up over 5000 hits and this page just started YESTERDAY!

Thanks again.

Please leave comments of store openings if you know of any.
Around noon, the scavengers showed up to collect all the tin blown off the roofs and carports. This tin may be yours!


Scooter said...

Does anybody know anything about Lumberton? I live there but have evaced to LA. I can't get anybody on the phone. Any info would be helpful.

Youston said...

M&D Supply will be open tomorrow.

Unknown said...

I received word that West Bar and Grill should be open tomorrow. I'm sure it'll be a limited menu but it's something. Glad you guys made it through safely. Stay safe

sandyg said...

I was wondering if anyone knew what conditon the area around Central Mall is like?
My husband has an apartment in the Farnhum apartments. He is here with me in Florida right now, but we can not find out any info on that area.
Sandra Moore