Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Kevin's house updates

I have edited a few more photos from the tree that fell behind my house. It was around a 100' foot tall sycamore. It was beautiful and glorious with white branches that stretched toward the heavens with opening arms. Now, it resides sideways in the most unfashionable of positions.

Apparently, sycamore is a wonderful wood for interior furniture, veneers, and guitars. I would love to reduce this loss into something beautiful. I will be willing to share this incredible tree if someone can help make it into blocks for butcher blocks, sheets for furniture, tops for tables, and possibly legs for chairs and tables. I really can't bear to see this tree go to waste.

The oak that fell on my house has already been designated for firewood for the wood burning stove that heats the shop and for smoking wood for the BBQ. Yum!

I really wanted to put an incredible tree house in the sycamore. That'll never happen now. I just didn't realize that by wishing for a tree house, it might get reinterpreted as wanting a tree ON my house. Ah well...

Enjoy the fading beauty...

Here comes the calvary!

Just yesterday, I went by the house to check out how bad its become. The smell is INCREDIBLE!

Cooley went and bought a 7000 watt generator because he was tired of living without A/C. As much as I hate the Sam Walden line of stores including Wal-mart, I do appreciate the television, wireless internet, hot water, and A/C.

Entergy showed up in full force yesterday as linemen from all around the country staged at Parkdale Mall. It seems like it will only be a matter of days instead of weeks until power is restored.

I've already seen power around Roger's Park, downtown Beaumont, 105, and others. Market Basket, Kroger, and HEB have gotten back online and are servicing the area. At least in Beaumont they are. Numerous gas stations have also been open for business and gas lines have shortened dramatically. I would be really surprised if the local economy isn't kicking in just a few days.

If you are needing reconstruction, I recommend you call Herrin Homes, Inc at 409-755-0430. If you have a pool problem, contact Coastal Pools, Inc at 409-880-5723. Both companies are not interested in doing estimates, only work. In this time of crisis, estimates only slow companies and add unneccesary costs. Please keep in mind that companies do you a favor when doing a quote for free and it is customary to give this company your business when insurance money comes in. If you intend on doing the work yourself, please do the right thing and give the quoting company some money if you decide NOT to use them. Its the right and honest thing to do. Don't steal. This economy will be hard enough for all of us.

Click on the photo above to get a full view of all the activity at Parkdale