Friday, September 12, 2008

4:45 and windy as ell...

Ike Watch 2008

I've arrived at Cooley's. Its just a few hours away from the 8 o'clock curfew. I hope all you hardcore party goers know you'll get pulled over and ARRESTED if the police catch you out. It would be really bad if you add a DWI to the mix. Just saying.

It would appear I was wrong about the water shortage. Beaumont WILL NOT be shutting off water at 8 pm. You should still fill your tubs with water, though.

Enjoy the first of our video reports. Brought to you by the good people at Mythical Forest Studios.

1 comment:

Ariel Jacala said...

I wish you guys luck and keep the posts coming. I am from SC and fascinated by hurricanes. It is sort of a humbling thing how this powerful force of nature can bring humans to their knees.