You've already seen a few of the photos, here's some of our damage. Of course, it pales in the comparison to the devastation our fellow Texans in Galveston witnessed. The loss of life from refusal to evacuate will be tremendous, I fear. It is only an inability to correctly assess our own mortality that keeps us from making good decisions like leaving a storm damaged area.
Me personally? I have enough food to last for at least a week and a half. I'll be tired of peanut butter and crackers and will probably be willing to kill for a steak, but the experience will deepen my understanding of humanity and his depths. The knowledge I'll gain from this will far outweigh the agony I may suffer. This is the logic I used.
I knew there existed the possibility of damage to my home and accepted it. It turns out there was damage and I've accepted it. While not fun, I can't change it. It would have happened whether I was here or further away.
Since I have stayed, I have family and friends close to me to assist and assist me. As I'm typing this, I'm quite comfortable in a small living room with several couches, fans, an air cooler, a generator, satellite cable on an LCD TV, and DSL internet connection. You see, we also prepared.
I am grateful for the friends I have to share this hurricane fallout with. A best friend of mine for 12 years and the little sister of another of my best friends (of whom I'm going to be best man in his wedding), Cooley & Christen are offering additional support.
I hope you think not of us as lunatics as much as curiosities of the human psyche. What makes a man choose the paths he does which can prove to be a more formidable challenge than taking the easier path with less troubles? I believe these are the things that forge a man. These are the things that bind humanity. These are the horrors that define us.
Cooley has tried to prepare me for the next few weeks as rations run short, food runs out, water becomes scarce, gasoline becomes a hot commodity.... I've heard reports of gas selling at close to $5 a gallon elsewhere in the country. Is that true?
Is anyone listening?
VIDEO: Cooley shows Saturday morning Ike "aftermath" 9:00am